Learn What Cyber Chief Can Do, Without Sitting Through A Demo

  • Understand how top software teams painlessly automate 3 aspects of modern application security
  • See how you can give your customers up-to-date security reports before they ask for them
  • Learn how your developers can patch vulnerabilities without wasting time on Google
  • Understand why you no longer have to be reliant on unresponsive or unhelpful security vendors
  • See how to run AppSec from your CI/CD pipelines

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Trusted By High Growth Software Teams

How does Cyber Chief work? 

Cyber Chief automates AppSec so that software teams can fix vulnerabilities in real-time

(without having to rely on security experts)

Automate AppSec to minimize your attack surface

Your attack surface grows right under your nose as your APIs, features & cloud services grow. Shifting left by automating security tests gives you the breathing room to patch vulnerabilities before they give you sleepless nights.

Launch scans from your CI/CD pipelines

Cyber Chief has native integrations with the most common components of your tech stack. This means your devs don't have to learn new tools. So now they can make security patching a built-in part of their workflow, instead of becoming a forgotten orphan.

4 capabilities in 1 solution = less time learning a new tool & more time building new features

You have the choice of getting 4 "legacy, big-brand tools" that do everything that Cyber Chief can do for you. 

Or you can truly shift left by automating web app security, API security and cloud security posture management.

So that you can present updated security reports to customers on demand.

So that you can show your CEO that your security is better than your competitors. 

And because it's built for software teams, not security experts, you can do all this without having to recruit a new security team.

Give your devs On-Demand Security Coaching

Old way: send your devs to classroom-style secure coding courses.

New way: Cyber Chief's AppSec coaches help your devs patch vulnerabilities in real-time, as and when they have questions. 

Now your devs fix security issues aided by the tool, but also "with a human touch" when they need it.

Security issues available in your ticketing system

Emailing PDF reports to show devs what vulnerabilities they need to fix is not only insecure, but also tedious.

Cyber Chief can send vulnerability reports straight to your ticketing system so that nobody can use the old, "oops, I didn't even realise I had to do that!"

"We used to test our APIs about once a year on average. Cyber Chief allows us to secure them daily with human help for our devs."

Gaurav Wadwa, Lead Security Architect, Tata Digital